Since the time of Hippocrates it has been understood that symptoms of most diseases, (other than degenerative disorders where irreversable organic damage has been sustained), represent the efforts of the body to eliminate toxins.
Any substance, endogenous or exogenous, that cannot be utilized by the cells is recognized as toxic and eliminated. When the human body maintains sufficent healthy levels of oxygen, the immune system remains strong enough to continuously eliminate toxins.
However, when elimination of toxins becomes impaired, due to reduced levels of oxygen in the body (hypoxia or oxygen starvation), toxins accumulate. The cells adapt to toxicosis, but when levels of toxin become intolerable the body initiates a detoxification process ... toxicosis is the true disease. Toxicosis causes the body to become starved of oxygen (hypoxia), weakening the immune system and allowing disease cells to develop.
The human body is predisposed to heal itself and to exist as a healthy, thriving organism. The body has the inherent ability and vitality not only to heal itself and restore health, but also to ward off disease. However, we inhibit that process by ingesting unhealthy foods, drugs and other chemicals, fouling our inner environment with toxins, starving the body of oxygen ... thus, starving the immune system of even more oxygen.
Society has been trained to rely upon toxic chemical substances (drugs) to treat our subsequent additional disease conditions. When in fact, the continued use of more chemical drugs will further depletes cellular oxygen in the human body, since oxygen is required to metabolize these chemical drugs out of it's system. This will increase toxicosis even further, lead to even lower oxygen levels in the body, an even weaker immune system ... and a utopian environment for anaerobic disease cells to thrive.
In turn, this leads to a dangerous and unhealthy cycle of taking more and more drugs which can lead to more and more disease... and we then take even more drugs to treat the next diseases! We continue to slowly rot the insides of our bodies, while continuing to line the pockets of the commercial drug industry which is doing "all it can to make you healthier!"
Howver, there is a much healthier and more effective alternative... ... ...
Oxygen medicine helps the human body in fighting disease and healing, by enhancing the body's own natural bio-chemical processes. The immune system produces energized oxygen or reactive oxygen species (ROS) in fight invading diseases and when healing itself.
Oxygen medicine safely and effectively, floods the human body with additional energized oxygen or ROS, to help destroy disease, boost the immune system and help the body to restore itself to its optimal natural healthy cellular levels.
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Dr. Otto Warburg - 1966
"Because no cancer cell exists, the respiration of which is intact, it cannot be disputed that cancer could be prevented if the respiration of the body cells would be kept intact.
To prevent cancer it is therefore proposed:
First - to keep the speed of the blood stream so high that the venous blood still contains sufficient oxygen;
Second - to keep high the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood;
Third - to add always to the food, even of healthy people, the active groups of the respiratory enzymes;
Fourth - to increase the doses of these groups, if a precancerous state has already developed. If at the same time exogenous carcinogens are excluded rigorously, then most cancers may be prevented today.
"Unlike the prevention of many other diseases ...
the prevention of cancer requires no government help, and no extra money."
Dr. Otto Warburg - Wiesenhof, Germany - August 1966
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